RIP TheNewgroundsPodcast
We have some sad news. We just found out that the @TheNewgroundsPodcast recently passed away after only a two year long career. Prior to their death, they were trying to raise money to support Newgrounds. If you can make a donation to help out, then please do. Which if there are any Newgrounds members you haven't spoken to in a while. Check in on them. Remember this, you are never promised tomorrow.
Happy 1 Year Anniversary, sort of. That was Piconjo Day, June 9th.
I was too busy making TWO CARTOONS to celebrate both Piconjo
Day and teh sl0ppy s3conds known as Pico Day.
Anyways, there's still plenty of news out there.
We just did a massive redesign last weekend and we did it again!
NO. 2 Podcast interviews NO. 2 Newspaper and We Only Got an Honourable Mention.
@The-Great-One, creator of @TheInterviewer and @TheTankTribune was interviewed last week by @ThatJohnnyGuy, creator of the @OffTheWallShow, making this the first time he's ever appeared on a podcast.
Listen to it here
Here, he talks about upcoming events, his personal life, and how he admits to being only the second best at collecting the news. But cut him some slack. At least he's finally doing Sunday articles again, all thanks to us!
Guinness Is Still Trying To Measure Piconjo’s Pen0r.
@Piconjo is trying to set a world record today! His record for “World’s Largest Penis” has yet to be verified.
The average penis length can be anywhere between 5 and 5.5 inches, yet Guinness has claimed that Piconjo's was so big they had to send a team of experts to measure it.
”Yeah good luck” said Matthew Samson from Guinness, "I had to eat, shit, sleep, and jerk him off for two weeks straight, trying to measure the bloody thing! I also had to write down my progress on that massive shaft of his every 10 minutes so we don't lose track."
Piconjo himself commented.
"what is taking teh guiness t0adies so long 2 measure my p3n0r? in that am0nt of tiem I couldve t0ld tehm how l000ng it was."
At the time of writing, Guinness has now reported 652.7 miles.
Happy Pride Month! Today we welcome a new NG user to the LGBTQIANBwhatever+ community. @SoilT has just come out as a statwhore last Thursday.
Soil, who goes by the blam/protect pronouns, told Tankman Triweekly their experiences identifying as a statwhore.
"At first I was pretty much like every other NG user, just watching stuff casually, making my own stuff, the usual. However, I didn't really feel very confortable with who I am out of thousands of other 'casual' users.
I started out just favoriting and reviewing each submission I voted on. I've gone from 3 reviews to 3,000 in no more than 3 weeks, and after that I was ready to go through the main transition. It was a difficult process going from 'Civilian' to 'Supreme Commander' "
One friend of SoilT, who wishes to be anonymous because of "transphobia claims",
"I knew something was going on with Soil as soon as they got 300 save points today. That's pretty much everything that was uploaded. I know those types of people. They tend to be a bit toxic and claim everything is 'this' phobic thatphobic whatever, when it really isn't. Aside from that, I totally support their decision."
*points gun* "SEND ThIS LEttER TO THE TANK TRIBUNE NOW!!!!!"
OK, ok, just don't shoot please!
"Dear Mr. Ninja Muffin 99 Sir!
I've driven 3,000 miles all the way to your Newgrounds Meetup at Toronto, Canada and I've got a big ol' BOMB! Unless you hand over $12,000, this thing's gonna blow at 2:30 PM tomorrow afternoon and it won't be pretty!
And before you think; "I'll just cancel the meetup or relocate", I've also got @Xinxinix tied up there too, and also @PsychoGoldfish, but who cares? They're gonna be tied DIRECTLY to the bomb, so they'll be the first to die!
No fucking around, just hand over the cash and I won't blow them or your meetup up.
Yours sincerely..
Cleetus McBill Sr.
PS. The bomb says 'Big Bill' on it but this fandangled 4K camera won't capture it!
Thanks to you, Triothy Day's now immortalised in the Best Movie of All Time!
Clean up your drawings!
The message is 'penis'
UPDATE: Still not guessed yet
UPDATE: Still not solved. Neither has the previous Crsoswerd
"Tankman Triweekly missed its 1 year anniversary"
Oh no! Patreon requires us to actually PAY TAX! Oh no! #justicefortankmantriweekly! Support us directly on PayPal instead to get your name here. These guys already switched over!
@RGPAnims @Exedor, @DrSevenSeizeMD @DrunkGecko @itsreddqueen @TeraVex
@Stepford @Undertalekid12 @Cyberdevil @KOLANI @Sevi
Tankman Triweekly is a part of 1337 P3n0r Studi0s
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The Tank Tribune forgot what it was actually called
No, that's the Tankman Triweekly.
Tankman Triweekly needs to conserve its couch gags.
I'll go get @xinxinix and @psychogoldfish
I'm a crazy ass southern woman, I aint worried about no bomb. BRB.