NO: 44: Gone to Milk Up the Pick!
Untitled - Notepad
This just in: the latest official NG News post just dropped and it's BIG. However, some bigger news: @luis is not first this time. That honor seems to have gone to
We've gone out to interview Luis following the incident and this is what he had to say:
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck"
Of course, we're swapping that word out with a safer alternative because it's just not suitable for this site.
Tankman Triweekly's Guide to the BBS:
If you've been using the BBS for long enough, you will know that they've recently added forum ratings, just in case little Ryan stumbles across a hentai thread by complete accident.
But did you know it's also a good way to filter out most old threads, for example: those made in 2023 or older. Just turn off the E-rating. You might miss out on a few good threads, but it works!
Right now we're going to delve into a bunch of locked threads and explain why they were locked, and then we're going to look into some Supporter-only threads.
For whatever the occasion, threads can get locked, never to be interacted with again. Today we're going to look into why this is the case. and hopefully save you the effort of reading everything.
Since General is closed, and since NG is creator-driven, the focus here will be on Art and Animation threads.
1: can i post my art on this site?
Initially answered "yes", later delved into an argument that lasted a few hours.
2: all my y art work was unpublished
They were all AI-generated.
3: Advice on getting more votes on my artwork?
OP was worried that the removal of their music would affect their votes on their artwork, so asked for advice.
These were shitposts drawn in Krita for about 1 hour, which matters because NG largely values quality work and doesn't use an algorithm like the other sites. Claims it's more fun than their 'professional' work sponsored at MtG events, of which at least two were AI-generated.
4: Does better production quality = objectively better movie?
Nothing wrong with the thread itself, it was posted in the Clubs & Crews forum instead of the Animation forum, OP never remade the thread after the mistake.
5: My (attempts) at practicing screenwriting
Locked on OP's request: Served its purpose after 4 months.
And there you go: Hopefully you 'ave a good understandin' on what 'appened.
From The Forums.... Fuck.. none shall pass:
Fun fact: Sometimes the BBS, or specifically this page, that's not quite the front page, or is the BBS's equivalent to the front page, displays Supporter-only threads, even if you are not a supporter.
Out of these 10 threads, as displayed on the front page: 3 of them are Supporter only (see highlighted)
This might depend on who you follow and whether they are a Supporter, but even when signed out, I still got "NG Mod Shirtless in Public". Can anyone look into this? Or is @Fro just too darn hunky?
April 1
Sleep Day (specifically for 2024)
April 8
Blog Guidelines Update: Mass-pinging solely to promote your work is punishable by up to 14 days of both @P-Bot and @M-Bot PM'ing you every 2 minutes.
April 11
The last day you're allowed to smoke in the Art Portal.
April 20
In Memoriam: Guy Who's Job Is To Update The "In Memoriam" section:
April 29
Japanese Game Designer names his baby "Forever Bad".
April 30
The day Dick Nick is supposed to come back with the milk.
May 4
Cake's done! (I didn't specify which year this was.)
Tankman Triweekly needs to rest on public holidays.